Category:2010 maps of the world
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Media in category "2010 maps of the world"
The following 106 files are in this category, out of 106 total.
100621-ISAF-troops-per-1million-pop.jpg 1,800 × 820; 180 KB
2010 FIBA World Championship qualifying.PNG 1,357 × 628; 48 KB
2010 fundraiser cartogram.png 1,635 × 849; 329 KB
2010 Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions.gif 600 × 400; 29 KB
2010 Human Development Report.png 1,350 × 652; 55 KB
2010 ICC World Twenty20 Participating nations.svg 2,754 × 1,398; 1.05 MB
2010 ICC World Twenty20 results.svg 2,754 × 1,398; 1.05 MB
2010 ICC World Twenty20.png 3,003 × 1,564; 706 KB
2010 Nobel Peace Prize diplomatic boycott.png 1,425 × 625; 56 KB
2010 Special 301 Report (World Map).png 2,753 × 1,400; 111 KB
2010 UN Human Development Report Quartiles.png 1,350 × 652; 87 KB
2010 UN Human Development Report.png 1,350 × 652; 88 KB
2010 UNDP Human Development Report Quartiles -2.png 1,350 × 652; 80 KB
2010 UNDP Human Development Report Quartiles.png 1,350 × 652; 65 KB
Aanwezigheid Euler Hermes.PNG 904 × 511; 34 KB
AH-1 Cobra Operators.png 1,425 × 625; 31 KB
Antibiotic use in livestock, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 141 KB
Beer as a share of total alcohol consumption, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 139 KB
BruneiVisaPolicy.PNG 1,337 × 608; 47 KB
Catholicism by country.png 1,357 × 617; 37 KB
Completeness of death reporting, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 140 KB
Countries by percentage of Protestants (2010).svg 512 × 263; 1.54 MB
Countries by percentage of Unaffiliated–Pew Research 2010.svg 512 × 263; 1.56 MB
Countries with Sharia rule ar.PNG 1,425 × 625; 50 KB
CoverageGEOSAR.png 1,034 × 791; 56 KB
CoverageGlobalstar.png 1,028 × 766; 57 KB
CoverageMEOSAR.png 1,034 × 771; 46 KB
Crude Birth Rate, 2010.png 1,442 × 1,078; 292 KB
DD Ice Caps.jpg 715 × 418; 73 KB
DD Lakes Rivers.jpg 715 × 418; 85 KB
Death Penalty World Map 2010.svg 1,052 × 744; 1.22 MB
Decolonization - World Today en.svg 1,438 × 832; 3.76 MB
Democracy Index 2010 green and red.svg 863 × 443; 1.54 MB
Does livestock antibiotic use exceed suggested target., OWID.svg 850 × 600; 139 KB
Ease of Doing Business Index 2010.svg 940 × 415; 1.54 MB
Education Discrepancy 2010.svg 863 × 443; 1.56 MB
F-104 Starfighter Operators.png 2,753 × 1,400; 91 KB
Failed-states-index-2010.png 1,425 × 625; 51 KB
Flag Map of The World (2010).png 4,974 × 2,519; 855 KB
Flag-map of the world (2010).png 4,500 × 2,234; 879 KB
Foreign Currency uses and pegs.png 1,357 × 628; 55 KB
Foreign diplomatic relations of the SADR 2010.png 1,365 × 638; 59 KB
GDP Real Growth (2010) - CIA.svg 940 × 415; 1.69 MB
Gdp real growth rate 2007 CIA Factbook.PNG 1,350 × 625; 50 KB
Global ocean chlorophyll concentration 2002-2010.jpg 720 × 360; 76 KB
Grupo santander.png 2,753 × 1,237; 140 KB
Han Population world zh.png 1,104 × 494; 35 KB
IDH-2010.PNG 1,350 × 652; 49 KB
Kraje z największym procentowym udziałem protestantów w 2010 roku.gif 4,500 × 2,234; 353 KB
Kraje z największą liczbą protestantów w 2010 roku.gif 4,500 × 2,234; 481 KB
Macedonia name dispute.png 1,357 × 628; 55 KB
Map Expansion NATO.png 1,250 × 660; 256 KB
Map of diplomatic missions of Ghana (4).PNG 1,357 × 628; 56 KB
Map of diplomatic missions of Singapore.PNG 1,357 × 628; 51 KB
Map of Diplomatic missions of Suriname.PNG 1,335 × 615; 55 KB
Map of diplomatic missions of Vietnam.PNG 1,357 × 768; 59 KB
Map of television ownership.svg 940 × 477; 1.65 MB
Map3.7Education Discrepancy compressed.jpg 2,400 × 1,502; 430 KB
Mappa GHI 2010.jpg 1,216 × 897; 492 KB
MCD12C1 A2010001 051 2012264191019 LCT-1.png 7,200 × 3,600; 905 KB
Mismanaged plastic waste, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 140 KB
Miss Earth 2010 Map.svg 863 × 443; 1.69 MB
Miss international 2010 Map.svg 863 × 443; 1.69 MB
Miss Supranational 2010 Map.svg 863 × 443; 1.69 MB
Miss Universe 2010 Map.svg 853 × 433; 1.36 MB
Mundo Mapa-politico-del-mundo-1-60.000.000 2010 mapa 16971 spa.jpg 6,995 × 4,947; 10.72 MB
Nations by percentage of urban population living in slums.jpg 1,015 × 444; 63 KB
Number of terrorist incidents 2010.png 3,600 × 1,640; 291 KB
PET wiki.png 3,543 × 2,530; 1.69 MB
Pf mean 2010 World.png 1,880 × 1,330; 738 KB
PFI 2010.png 1,425 × 631; 45 KB
Physical map of the world, June 2010. LOC 2013591569.jpg 11,586 × 6,274; 9.26 MB
Physical map of the world, June 2010. LOC 2013591569.tif 11,586 × 6,274; 207.97 MB
Political map of the world, June 2010. LOC 2013591568.jpg 11,605 × 6,259; 7.74 MB
Political map of the world, June 2010. LOC 2013591568.tif 11,605 × 6,259; 207.81 MB
Pornography laws.svg 2,532 × 1,284; 837 KB
Pressefreiheit2010.png 1,605 × 820; 299 KB
Protestant majority countries (2010).svg 863 × 443; 1.61 MB
Protestantyzm na świecie w 2010 roku.gif 4,500 × 2,234; 408 KB
Reconocimiento del sahara occidental.png 2,753 × 1,237; 141 KB
RH wiki.png 3,543 × 2,530; 1.98 MB
RSDS wiki.png 3,543 × 2,530; 1.64 MB
SOWM2010 maternal mortality map.svg 940 × 477; 1.6 MB
SWB wiki.png 3,543 × 2,530; 1.95 MB
Timezones2010 UTC+0.png 3,583 × 1,917; 1.22 MB
Total cloud cover.png 3,543 × 2,530; 1.91 MB
UN Human Development Report 2010 1.PNG 1,350 × 652; 57 KB
UN Human Development Report 2010.PNG 1,350 × 652; 49 KB
UN-REDD member countries map.jpg 900 × 451; 262 KB
UNSC 2010.svg 940 × 415; 1.45 MB
UNSC members 2010.png 2,000 × 883; 265 KB
Vhhh destination.png 1,802 × 784; 679 KB
VisapolicyofUkraine.png 1,024 × 449; 86 KB
VPD wiki.png 3,543 × 2,530; 1.71 MB
Wind wiki.png 3,543 × 2,530; 2.88 MB
WMM2010 F MERC.jpg 3,254 × 2,176; 3.24 MB
WMM2010 F MERC.pdf 5,400 × 3,600; 866 KB
World density 2010.png 2,950 × 1,817; 753 KB
World lgbt adoption.jpg 1,427 × 628; 69 KB
World Magnetic Declination 2010.pdf 5,400 × 3,600; 865 KB
World Magnetic Inclination 2010.pdf 5,400 × 3,600; 828 KB
World map by 2010 Human Development Index.png 5,040 × 2,431; 303 KB
World Unemployment.gif 2,000 × 883; 104 KB
Внешняя политика азербайджана 2010.png 1,357 × 628; 46 KB