Japan CO2 Emissions

Fossil CO2 Emissions (2016)
Yearly Change
Global Share
Tons per capita
  • Fossil CO2 emissions in Japan were 1,239,592,060 tons in 2016.
  • CO2 emissions decreased by -1.21% over the previous year, representing a dicrease by -15,207,790 tons over 2015, when CO2 emissions were 1,254,799,850 tons.
  • CO2 emissions per capita in Japan are equivalent to 9.76 tons per person (based on a population of 126,993,857 in 2016), a dicrease by -0.10 over the figure of 9.86 CO2 tons per person registered in 2015; this represents a change of -1.0% in CO2 emissions per capita.

Fossil Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions of Japan

Year Fossil CO2
CO2 emisions
CO2 emissions
per capita
Population Pop.
Share of World's
CO2 emissions
2016 1,239,592,060 -1.21% 9.76 126,993,857 -0.20 % 3.47%
2015 1,254,799,850 -2.23% 9.86 127,250,933 -0.18 % 3.51%
2014 1,283,477,690 -3.11% 10.07 127,476,735 -0.16 % 3.59%
2013 1,324,621,960 1.87% 10.37 127,678,924 -0.14 % 3.70%
2012 1,300,326,870 3.24% 10.17 127,853,688 -0.12 % 3.64%
2011 1,259,473,290 2.97% 9.84 128,007,257 -0.08 % 3.52%
2010 1,223,125,830 5.22% 9.55 128,105,431 -0.01 % 3.42%
2009 1,162,407,780 -5.47% 9.07 128,117,042 0.03 % 3.25%
2008 1,229,647,960 -6.52% 9.60 128,077,633 0.06 % 3.44%
2007 1,315,467,950 1.78% 10.28 128,006,426 0.08 % 3.68%
2006 1,292,460,200 -0.13% 10.11 127,902,167 0.08 % 3.61%
2005 1,294,091,400 0.62% 10.13 127,798,373 0.10 % 3.62%
2004 1,286,170,530 -0.12% 10.07 127,671,288 0.13 % 3.60%
2003 1,287,690,440 0.31% 10.10 127,502,352 0.16 % 3.60%
2002 1,283,688,170 3.07% 10.08 127,301,750 0.19 % 3.59%
2001 1,245,512,150 -1.17% 9.80 127,065,731 0.21 % 3.48%
2000 1,260,277,500 1.50% 9.94 126,803,861 0.20 % 3.52%
1999 1,241,706,740 3.32% 9.81 126,555,063 0.20 % 3.47%
1998 1,201,762,890 -3.13% 9.51 126,308,390 0.22 % 3.36%
1997 1,240,565,600 -0.50% 9.84 126,027,985 0.24 % 3.47%
1996 1,246,770,200 1.05% 9.92 125,726,223 0.23 % 3.49%
1995 1,233,862,400 1.24% 9.84 125,433,969 0.25 % 3.45%
1994 1,218,776,600 4.91% 9.74 125,119,269 0.27 % 3.41%
1993 1,161,708,990 -0.75% 9.31 124,779,576 0.27 % 3.25%
1992 1,170,530,800 0.37% 9.41 124,444,693 0.30 % 3.27%
1991 1,166,201,900 0.69% 9.40 124,073,993 0.31 % 3.26%
1990 1,158,222,400 5.68% 9.36 123,686,321 0.34 % 3.24%
1989 1,095,954,500 2.80% 8.89 123,270,648 0.38 % 3.07%
1988 1,066,063,300 7.26% 8.68 122,798,302 0.43 % 2.98%
1987 993,875,600 0.64% 8.13 122,268,885 0.46 % 2.78%
1986 987,589,800 -0.37% 8.11 121,710,305 0.49 % 2.76%
1985 991,302,300 -2.60% 8.18 121,119,031 0.54 % 2.77%
1984 1,017,778,300 7.18% 8.45 120,470,727 0.57 % 2.85%
1983 949,565,500 0.19% 7.93 119,793,752 0.58 % 2.66%
1982 947,805,000 -4.29% 7.96 119,098,142 0.60 % 2.65%
1981 990,334,300 -2.22% 8.37 118,385,723 0.65 % 2.77%
1980 1,012,812,200 -2.52% 8.61 117,624,196 0.74 % 2.83%
1979 1,039,007,000 2.55% 8.90 116,765,509 0.83 % 2.91%
1978 1,013,164,000 -0.07% 8.75 115,809,525 0.91 % 2.83%
1977 1,013,827,700 2.55% 8.83 114,761,516 1.00 % 2.84%
1976 988,606,000 3.18% 8.70 113,624,865 1.08 % 2.77%
1975 958,163,800 -5.48% 8.52 112,411,640 1.18 % 2.68%
1974 1,013,755,800 -0.14% 9.12 111,100,023 1.30 % 2.84%
1973 1,015,161,400 12.78% 9.26 109,679,470 1.35 % 2.84%
1972 900,132,700 5.36% 8.32 108,220,404 1.34 % 2.52%
1971 854,342,000 -0.25% 8.00 106,789,355 1.30 % 2.39%


See also