Germany CO2 Emissions

Fossil CO2 Emissions (2016)
Yearly Change
Global Share
Tons per capita
  • Fossil CO2 emissions in Germany were 775,752,190 tons in 2016.
  • CO2 emissions increased by 1.28% over the previous year, representing an increase by 9,829,290 tons over 2015, when CO2 emissions were 765,922,900 tons.
  • CO2 emissions per capita in Germany are equivalent to 9.42 tons per person (based on a population of 82,331,423 in 2016), an increase by 0.09 over the figure of 9.33 CO2 tons per person registered in 2015; this represents a change of 1.0% in CO2 emissions per capita.

Fossil Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions of Germany

Year Fossil CO2
CO2 emisions
CO2 emissions
per capita
Population Pop.
Share of World's
CO2 emissions
2016 775,752,190 1.28% 9.42 82,331,423 0.31 % 2.17%
2015 765,922,900 0.06% 9.33 82,073,226 0.26 % 2.14%
2014 765,489,280 -5.04% 9.35 81,858,825 0.22 % 2.14%
2013 806,144,500 2.39% 9.87 81,680,591 0.17 % 2.25%
2012 787,320,500 1.00% 9.65 81,545,565 0.15 % 2.20%
2011 779,506,330 -2.49% 9.57 81,423,378 0.12 % 2.18%
2010 799,376,520 5.31% 9.83 81,325,090 0.08 % 2.24%
2009 759,093,040 -7.39% 9.34 81,260,615 0.05 % 2.12%
2008 819,698,640 1.30% 10.09 81,217,482 0.04 % 2.29%
2007 809,186,370 -3.24% 9.97 81,183,830 0.01 % 2.26%
2006 836,310,020 1.54% 10.30 81,177,817 -0.04 % 2.34%
2005 823,601,590 -3.79% 10.14 81,212,168 -0.07 % 2.30%
2004 856,087,810 0.76% 10.53 81,266,673 -0.10 % 2.39%
2003 849,643,860 -1.02% 10.44 81,346,810 -0.12 % 2.38%
2002 858,391,300 -1.67% 10.54 81,443,427 -0.09 % 2.40%
2001 872,943,970 1.93% 10.71 81,514,568 -0.05 % 2.44%
2000 856,420,800 -0.25% 10.50 81,551,677 -0.01 % 2.40%
1999 858,536,640 -3.71% 10.53 81,556,965 0.04 % 2.40%
1998 891,647,460 -0.84% 10.94 81,524,383 0.11 % 2.49%
1997 899,177,220 -3.52% 11.04 81,436,087 0.17 % 2.51%
1996 932,000,880 3.05% 11.46 81,300,865 0.22 % 2.61%
1995 904,449,520 -0.25% 11.15 81,123,262 0.30 % 2.53%
1994 906,747,540 -1.27% 11.21 80,882,126 0.38 % 2.54%
1993 918,378,630 -0.93% 11.40 80,573,488 0.46 % 2.57%
1992 926,985,700 -5.44% 11.56 80,205,030 0.51 % 2.59%
1991 980,289,970 -2.28% 12.28 79,801,988 0.54 % 2.74%
1990 1,003,148,970 -3.52% 12.64 79,370,196 0.57 % 2.81%
1989 1,039,761,640 -1.33% 13.18 78,916,438 0.56 % 2.91%
1988 1,053,805,610 -0.64% 13.43 78,477,530 0.50 % 2.95%
1987 1,060,639,140 -0.89% 13.58 78,090,895 0.37 % 2.97%
1986 1,070,200,550 -0.55% 13.76 77,803,357 0.21 % 2.99%
1985 1,076,082,420 0.38% 13.86 77,638,808 0.09 % 3.01%
1984 1,071,967,830 1.54% 13.82 77,568,572 0.00 % 3.00%
1983 1,055,675,510 1.36% 13.61 77,566,064 -0.06 % 2.95%
1982 1,041,471,290 -4.23% 13.42 77,610,430 -0.10 % 2.91%
1981 1,087,449,890 -3.14% 14.00 77,684,489 -0.13 % 3.04%
1980 1,122,714,790 -4.40% 14.43 77,786,703 -0.17 % 3.14%
1979 1,174,336,140 4.41% 15.07 77,915,727 -0.20 % 3.28%
1978 1,124,688,840 3.39% 14.41 78,071,549 -0.19 % 3.15%
1977 1,087,798,750 -1.78% 13.91 78,221,272 -0.18 % 3.04%
1976 1,107,528,390 5.65% 14.13 78,364,216 -0.19 % 3.10%
1975 1,048,296,030 -5.24% 13.35 78,513,511 -0.14 % 2.93%
1974 1,106,220,720 -2.71% 14.07 78,620,534 -0.06 % 3.09%
1973 1,137,049,510 4.45% 14.45 78,667,466 0.03 % 3.18%
1972 1,088,645,740 2.45% 13.84 78,643,556 0.17 % 3.04%
1971 1,062,593,530 -0.53% 13.53 78,511,398 0.28 % 2.97%


See also