Belarus CO2 Emissions

Fossil CO2 Emissions (2016)
Yearly Change
Global Share
Tons per capita
  • Fossil CO2 emissions in Belarus were 62,655,669 tons in 2016.
  • CO2 emissions increased by 4.90% over the previous year, representing an increase by 2,926,536 tons over 2015, when CO2 emissions were 59,729,133 tons.
  • CO2 emissions per capita in Belarus are equivalent to 6.45 tons per person (based on a population of 9,708,110 in 2016), an increase by 0.30 over the figure of 6.16 CO2 tons per person registered in 2015; this represents a change of 4.8% in CO2 emissions per capita.

Fossil Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions of Belarus

Year Fossil CO2
CO2 emisions
CO2 emissions
per capita
Population Pop.
Share of World's
CO2 emissions
2016 62,655,669 4.90% 6.45 9,708,110 0.08 % 0.18%
2015 59,729,133 -10.64% 6.16 9,700,609 0.07 % 0.17%
2014 66,840,170 -0.60% 6.90 9,693,739 0.03 % 0.19%
2013 67,246,849 0.60% 6.94 9,691,137 -0.03 % 0.19%
2012 66,846,105 1.39% 6.90 9,693,749 -0.14 % 0.19%
2011 65,932,039 -6.41% 6.79 9,706,981 -0.25 % 0.18%
2010 70,444,120 8.25% 7.24 9,731,427 -0.27 % 0.20%
2009 65,077,102 -3.45% 6.67 9,757,708 -0.31 % 0.18%
2008 67,399,311 4.30% 6.89 9,787,826 -0.39 % 0.19%
2007 64,621,153 -4.93% 6.58 9,825,986 -0.49 % 0.18%
2006 67,971,780 7.13% 6.88 9,874,700 -0.61 % 0.19%
2005 63,445,216 1.60% 6.39 9,935,163 -0.65 % 0.18%
2004 62,448,608 9.06% 6.25 9,999,712 -0.66 % 0.17%
2003 57,260,113 1.03% 5.69 10,065,878 -0.69 % 0.16%
2002 56,677,230 0.29% 5.59 10,135,388 -0.65 % 0.16%
2001 56,516,016 -2.23% 5.54 10,201,209 -0.54 % 0.16%
2000 57,807,660 -3.02% 5.64 10,256,483 -0.50 % 0.16%
1999 59,605,984 -3.47% 5.78 10,308,283 -0.47 % 0.17%
1998 61,749,571 -2.59% 5.96 10,357,466 -0.42 % 0.17%
1997 63,394,190 0.56% 6.10 10,400,924 -0.34 % 0.18%
1996 63,042,032 1.38% 6.04 10,436,459 -0.24 % 0.18%
1995 62,185,829 -10.46% 5.94 10,461,696 -0.13 % 0.17%
1994 69,450,127 -14.61% 6.63 10,475,395 -0.05 % 0.19%
1993 81,334,609 -13.60% 7.76 10,480,484 0.04 % 0.23%
1992 94,137,707 -9.76% 8.99 10,475,907 0.17 % 0.26%
1991 104,317,603 -3.55% 9.98 10,457,617 0.28 % 0.29%
1990 108,162,700 9.29% 10.37 10,428,525 0.39 % 0.30%
1989 98,969,089 -3.67% 9.53 10,387,610 0.52 % 0.28%
1988 102,743,275 -1.12% 9.94 10,333,480 0.61 % 0.29%
1987 103,911,765 -0.39% 10.12 10,270,609 0.68 % 0.29%
1986 104,315,747 0.52% 10.23 10,201,670 0.68 % 0.29%
1985 103,773,821 -0.17% 10.24 10,133,211 0.63 % 0.29%
1984 103,954,411 -1.21% 10.32 10,069,349 0.65 % 0.29%
1983 105,223,595 0.40% 10.52 10,004,049 0.66 % 0.29%
1982 104,806,091 -0.45% 10.55 9,938,931 0.63 % 0.29%
1981 105,279,844 3.84% 10.66 9,877,121 0.61 % 0.29%
1980 101,385,527 1.44% 10.33 9,817,257 0.63 % 0.28%
1979 99,943,494 4.74% 10.24 9,756,248 0.65 % 0.28%
1978 95,421,807 2.03% 9.84 9,693,316 0.67 % 0.27%
1977 93,519,262 4.18% 9.71 9,628,875 0.67 % 0.26%
1976 89,763,040 1.44% 9.39 9,564,377 0.67 % 0.25%
1975 88,486,293 10.91% 9.31 9,500,738 0.69 % 0.25%
1974 79,783,241 5.09% 8.46 9,435,592 0.70 % 0.22%
1973 75,919,964 8.35% 8.10 9,369,574 0.71 % 0.21%
1972 70,069,005 7.40% 7.53 9,303,940 0.73 % 0.20%
1971 65,241,348 0.26% 7.06 9,236,766 0.72 % 0.18%


See also