Estonia CO2 Emissions

Fossil CO2 Emissions (2016)
Yearly Change
Global Share
Tons per capita
  • Fossil CO2 emissions in Estonia were 22,402,414 tons in 2016.
  • CO2 emissions increased by 1.01% over the previous year, representing an increase by 223,583 tons over 2015, when CO2 emissions were 22,178,831 tons.
  • CO2 emissions per capita in Estonia are equivalent to 17.02 tons per person (based on a population of 1,315,926 in 2016), an increase by 0.15 over the figure of 16.87 CO2 tons per person registered in 2015; this represents a change of 0.9% in CO2 emissions per capita.

Fossil Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions of Estonia

Year Fossil CO2
CO2 emisions
CO2 emissions
per capita
Population Pop.
Share of World's
CO2 emissions
2016 22,402,414 1.01% 17.02 1,315,926 0.10 % 0.06%
2015 22,178,831 3.70% 16.87 1,314,657 0.01 % 0.06%
2014 21,387,171 -7.59% 16.27 1,314,526 -0.26 % 0.06%
2013 23,144,378 14.54% 17.56 1,317,982 -0.36 % 0.06%
2012 20,205,993 -0.18% 15.28 1,322,682 -0.36 % 0.06%
2011 20,243,010 9.07% 15.25 1,327,429 -0.31 % 0.06%
2010 18,560,478 19.80% 13.94 1,331,535 -0.23 % 0.05%
2009 15,492,816 -18.85% 11.61 1,334,552 -0.18 % 0.04%
2008 19,090,643 -7.49% 14.28 1,337,011 -0.27 % 0.05%
2007 20,636,777 27.74% 15.39 1,340,574 -0.46 % 0.06%
2006 16,155,204 -9.11% 12.00 1,346,709 -0.59 % 0.05%
2005 17,773,947 1.42% 13.12 1,354,662 -0.57 % 0.05%
2004 17,525,804 2.30% 12.86 1,362,480 -0.60 % 0.05%
2003 17,131,893 12.89% 12.50 1,370,660 -0.62 % 0.05%
2002 15,176,060 -4.20% 11.00 1,379,240 -0.63 % 0.04%
2001 15,841,978 3.64% 11.41 1,387,995 -0.64 % 0.04%
2000 15,284,963 -1.60% 10.94 1,396,877 -0.47 % 0.04%
1999 15,534,166 -7.45% 11.07 1,403,498 -0.54 % 0.04%
1998 16,785,493 -3.64% 11.89 1,411,147 -0.73 % 0.05%
1997 17,418,969 -1.94% 12.25 1,421,490 -0.92 % 0.05%
1996 17,763,963 5.06% 12.38 1,434,670 -1.25 % 0.05%
1995 16,908,120 -9.12% 11.64 1,452,775 -1.56 % 0.05%
1994 18,604,539 1.76% 12.61 1,475,727 -1.91 % 0.05%
1993 18,281,976 -23.95% 12.15 1,504,436 -2.33 % 0.05%
1992 24,039,465 -27.40% 15.61 1,540,381 -1.61 % 0.07%
1991 33,112,458 -10.44% 21.15 1,565,627 -0.32 % 0.09%
1990 36,970,596 -14.19% 23.54 1,570,674 0.17 % 0.10%
1989 43,082,465 -2.78% 27.48 1,568,047 0.54 % 0.12%
1988 44,313,564 1.74% 28.41 1,559,586 0.77 % 0.12%
1987 43,556,817 -0.11% 28.14 1,547,706 0.76 % 0.12%
1986 43,603,593 2.27% 28.39 1,536,023 0.67 % 0.12%
1985 42,635,037 -0.27% 27.94 1,525,782 0.64 % 0.12%
1984 42,750,312 -2.62% 28.20 1,516,124 0.69 % 0.12%
1983 43,902,180 -2.22% 29.16 1,505,714 0.69 % 0.12%
1982 44,899,668 -1.09% 30.03 1,495,374 0.65 % 0.13%
1981 45,396,388 0.60% 30.55 1,485,768 0.59 % 0.13%
1980 45,125,725 -1.66% 30.55 1,476,983 0.57 % 0.13%
1979 45,887,485 2.10% 31.24 1,468,656 0.67 % 0.13%
1978 44,941,485 -1.34% 30.81 1,458,851 0.81 % 0.13%
1977 45,550,633 3.44% 31.48 1,447,120 0.82 % 0.13%
1976 44,036,994 -1.71% 30.68 1,435,355 0.79 % 0.12%
1975 44,805,152 5.01% 31.46 1,424,044 0.84 % 0.13%
1974 42,667,118 0.67% 30.22 1,412,117 0.88 % 0.12%
1973 42,384,045 2.18% 30.28 1,399,849 0.88 % 0.12%
1972 41,479,178 3.80% 29.89 1,387,623 0.93 % 0.12%
1971 39,960,434 0.09% 29.07 1,374,794 0.94 % 0.11%


See also